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Phasing between worlds via pencil and paper.

Cubicle 7 is a company based out of Dublin, Ireland that writes and publishes tabletop role-playing games. Their catalogue features an impressive swath of IPs ranging from common household names to obscure niche titles. I have had the opportunity to work on promotional materials for a handful of their projects, including the successful launch of an original post-apocalyptic fantasy campaign.

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

In collaboration with Games Workshop, C7 has written dozens of campaigns and compendiums for a world rife with grim and perilous adventures. Agents of Chaos — literal ones mind you, of the occult variety — are hellbent on ravaging the mortal plane and splitting it at the seams. Whether our protagonists figure that out entirely depends on what story the Game Master (GM) is hoping to tell. My name is listed in the credits of Ulfenkarn for my cartographic contributions, though most of my work for the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay line involved cranking out backpage advertisements.


Doctor Who

Under the official license of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), C7 has developed Doctors and Daleks. Now you too can prance about the galaxy as your favorite Time Lord with a cadre of companions, inciting misadventures wherever you go. C7 developed a unique system, or game "engine," that incentivizes players to avoid murder and find creative solutions to their problems. In celebration of Doctor Who's 60th Anniversary, C7 published a duet of manuals detailing this engine, the Doctor's many iterations, and the scenarios a party could potentially encounter. I was brought on board to assist with their digital advertising.


Broken Weave

Broken Weave was born out of the writer's room at C7 and soon gained traction over on Kickstarter. Through the generous support of pencil-and-paper geeks across the globe, C7 crafted a realm of dead gods and dissolving memories. At the edge of oblivion, where tangible things yet manage to survive, players will rally themselves to reclaim fragments of history, to preserve the relics that remain, and to defend what is left of society. In a place where artists and storytellers are thought to wield divine power, it seems fitting that I shaped a small piece of this apocalypse.

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